Message from the President

Creating new value and contributing to the realization of a sustainable society
We, Sumisho Metalex was established in 1973 as a domestic sales company for non-ferrous metals within the Sumitomo Corporation Group, and will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2023.
For half a century since our establishment, we have been developing our business globally and multidirectionally, looking to the world as a “solution provider that creates value beyond non-ferrous metals” in order to meet the diverse needs of society.
Non-ferrous metals are indispensable for people to live comfortable and prosperous lives.
In order to pass on a better environment to the next generation, we aim to contribute to a sustainable society by overcoming the challenges of better coexistence with the global environment.
In addition to Sumitomo Corporation's creditworthiness, we will make maximum use of our globally expanding business foundation to take on the challenge of creating new value while solving social issues such as carbon neutrality and building a circular economy.
We would appreciate your continued support.
Representative Director and President Takashi Wagatsuma